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  • Writer's pictureLT Dan Wilson

The A.S.K.

Thanks for joining me here on our new Blog Site!

The A.S.K. reflects the simple concept Jesus shared in Matthew 7:7 :

Ask, and it will be given to you;

seek, and you will find;

knock, and it will be opened to you.

Without a doubt one of the greatest secrets given to humanity!

America is in a dire straight to return herself to good, if she is at all able, and my goal is to reveal the evils she now controls her, along with my beliefs on how we can pull her from the gallows of her own making, before the trap door ends her existence.

Join me here as we A.S.K. the CREATOR for our prayerful future!

(BTW) - Blogs will include hardline political, spiritual and physical context which may challenge you and contain content not 100% congruent with our philosophy or beliefs, and yet worthy to present...

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